Paris Hilton spoke about his prison suffering....

Society lioness Paris Hilton said that the 23-day stay in the women's prison Linvuda is her "traumatic" but "the way God neispovedimy.This enthusiastic religion tusovschitsa described in the first after the release from detention of the famous TV interview with Larry King broadcast TV channel CNN, transmits BBC.

Hilton noted that meets less fun in clubs, and intends to begin "to behave more responsibly." Paris said he wants to make people aware, through which she had to go through, adding that not earned it."I think that the punishment does not match the crime committed by me. I do not think that has earned the prison", - said Hilton during the hour interview.Heiress told that while in prison she has panic attacks occurred, and fears she dreamed of nightmares: tusovschitse thought that someone wants to enter it into the chamber and pokalechit it.
In addition, because of melenkih size of the rooms in which lived accustomed to spacious interiors secular lioness, she has developed claustrophobia.To cope with the claustrophobic, Paris did write in his personal diary and thought that is not in prison, while one other, "especially" the spot."The first days after the return to his cell were terrible, I could not sleep" - told the girl.
Despite the difficulties in prison, his bitter experience of Hilton describes as "good", as many learned, and lessons learned from it.A secular lioness was a time to reflect on their lives.She also wrote a note that gave her the opportunity to "feel like a journalist." "I felt that I had started a new life: I was sitting in jail and reflects on who I am and what I want to be. It means to me far more than many think."
According to naslednitsy, it was essential to assist letter, which she constantly receives from his fans, who have found even the American soldiers serving in Iraq. "The lessons learned helped me grow up and grow up ... I'm getting a lot of letters from mothers whose daughters followed my example. I want to become for them a good model to be emulated.""I was surprised that the letters of criticism addressed to me was not - I had expected this" - said Hilton.
In addition, while serving the term hotel empire heiress constantly read the Bible. "The camera could not bring their books, but I ordered the Bible in the prison library," - she said.
According to her, in prison since it treated the same way as with the other prisoners.Clothing and the situation in the cell were also standard - Paris is in the orange Robu and slept on the bed next to the toilet, wash basin and a small table, said RIA Novosti.Paris promised in the future to open a rehabilitation center for women who have been through the prison.
Hilton contends that he never tried drugs.According to her, unfortunately, it has since childhood to take strong pills."I'm suffering syndrome scattered attention, so the age of 12 I set out specific drugs", - said Hilton.She noted that her illness in prison "hampered" her as a man with such a diagnosis can not go without treatment in detention, it was difficult to "concentrate", "be careful", said MP.
The guest CNN denies the widespread belief that "a lot of drinks.Hilton said that it had never drunk, and the fact that it happened (driving a car in drink), happened the first time.The American star stressed that people sometimes make "crazy behavior" and saying "crazy things"."For example, I was surprised when I read in the newspaper that I was there, where I was not really, I saw so someone with whom they could not see" - she added.
One outcome of the secular lions stay in prison was that it had met to marry and acquire children."Unfortunately, the press makes any relationship loud stories, so be next to me was difficult. But I want to find someone who will love me that what I am not paying attention to all this. I want large family, many of them children. Perhaps I will go out married in the next couple of years ", - said Hilton.
At the end of an interview with Paris promised Larry King and all TV viewers do not drive drunk.