This Is Just Too Funny Not To Share

So apparently Chad Ochocinco has his own brand of cereal called (obviously) Ochocinco's Honey Nut Toasted Oats. As a charity-minded individual who never does anything for his own benefit, Chad included a toll free number on the box so people could call and donate money to a charity called Feed The Children. That's a very noble thing to do, honestly.

Except that the number is misprinted on the box. So, instead of making a donation to feed needy children, callers are propositioned for phone sex! Yep, the number goes to a sex line. That's just freakin' priceless. And since Chad seems to subscribe to the "No press is bad press" philosophy, it wouldn't shock me at all if this whole thing was planned.

Now, here's a picture of the Bengals cheerleaders. You're welcome.