Monday Night Football Cheerleader Match-Up Week 8

This match-up has become one of the best series in the past couple of years, and this season's opening week battle was no different. Houston finally came out on top behind Arian Foster's 231 rushing yards. Don't think Peyton Manning hasn't been stewing over that loss for the past 7 weeks. That dude HATES to lose, so my guess is he will come out firing on all cylinders this week. Which could set up a shoot-out in Indy. Me likey.

The other shoot-out in this match-up is between the cheerleaders. I think the Colts cheerleaders are damn hot (any squad that wears chaps is a winner in my book), but the Texans cheerleaders are quickly becoming one of my favorite pro squads in any sport. Here is some photographic evidence of the cheerleader "arms race" in the AFC South.