A group of researchers from the University of Calgary in Canada found that the maximum number of patients hospitalized with appendicitis in those days, when air pollution is approaching the top mark.This finding was released at the conference of the American College of Gastroenterology.

As is known, the appendix - is an appendage cecum.Its functions have not yet been determined, but there are assumptions that he makes the bacteria involved in the process of digestion and protect against infections.Until now, also did not know what exactly is the cause of his inflammation.

Researchers studied the history of disease in more than 45 thousand hospitalized with a diagnosis of appendicitis in the period from 1999 to 2006.It was found that increasing the concentration of ozone in the air at 15% increases the risk of appendicitis.The reasons for this are still unclear, but it is possible that air pollution affects the circulation intestine, which in turn leads to blockage neck appendectomy.

Previously, it was found that high levels of air pollution contributes to a number of other inflammatory diseases