Creative Uses of Doors in Advertising

To convey a message it is very important to know “How” to reach your target audience. In these advertisements you will see how the agencies are using elevator doors, restaurant doors and other shopping mall doors to reach their target audience.
Superman, The Movie: Elevator

Magic Door
Science Center Ad on Elevator
Tyskie: Stickers 
The idea of this ad is to promote “TYSKIE” beer among young people in a more involving way. When people are opening the door they can easily imaging themselves drinking beer.
Bald Man 
A brand that prevents hair loss using elevators in corporate offices and residential buildings to deliver the message.
Gold’s Gym
Stickers showing two muscular arms were pasted outside the lift doors.

Witness Agent Torture
Conveying the message: More than 90% of Guantanamo detainees are held without charge and in extreme isolation. Help stop the abuse.
Meiji “stronger”
These stickers were affixed on the revolving doors of buildings to interact with their consumers. Once they pushed against the door, it seemed like these sportsmen push back and don’t allow them to come in. But of course, the door opened in the usual way. The copy line says simply “Milk makes you stronger. Meiji.”
Divorce Lift
A typical wedding photo was affixed to door lift doors in a law firm. Unfortunately, every time the doors opened, the couple split up. But help was at hand for everyone in the same position as soon as they stepped into the lift: a sign showed the name of the law firm and which floor the office was on.
Gold Shape Slimming Cream
Creative advertising for slimming cream. Using door to show how the slim lady going through it.
Pantene Door Handle
Creative poster with a real plait hanging from the back of a head was stuck on the doors of malls, supermarkets and beauty salons in India. The plait served as the door handle and each time patrons ‘pulled’ the hair handle, the core benefit of Pantene was demonstrated.
Jelly Tots Elevator Advertisement