Home-air balloons. Review of inflatable architecture

Followed by handhelds and mobile phones, TVs and players - to the portable furniture and even buildings. Today, we live here in the wilderness, among the grasses and ears. And tomorrow will move to the mountains, where the clean, fragrant air and rapidly clear the stream. And will move with all his stuff, including a roof over your head. And that, it's very simple, if you have a car and an inflatable house into the bargain. And in today's review - the most interesting examples of inflatable architecture.

Inflatable Research Station

This balloon-bun is intended for research in the Arctic. Lightweight, portable, easy to use, it is not terrible nor cold, nor wind, since the shell is made from ultra strong polymer. Obedient to the winds, the ball-station can move on Arctic ice, like a rolling stone field, but the inner room for the researchers will always be in a horizontal position, as the "bun" is equipped with independent suspension system
Inflatable pavilion in the form of a mouse
Bright pink ball that resembles both a head inflatable Mickey Mouse and bubble inflated from the chewing gum, it's actually a project of German company Raumlabor-Berlin. The pavilion is designed for corporate events, presentations, press conferences and other outdoor activities. It is expected that such a mobile architecture that fits in the trunk of a truck, dropped the holding of mass actions, as well as prevent the disruption of these in case of bad weather. 
Inflatable pavilion in the form of a ball
If the previous pavilion resembled an inflatable Mickey Mouse, then this project can easily guess the shape of golf balls. So it is, after all these pavilions are designed for equipment cafeterias, bars and lounges during golf tournaments. 
Inflatable Pavilion in Korea
And in South Korea inflatable architecture, namely, long, like a worm, tent, pavilion, used for press conferences during sporting events. If desired, a press room can be broken down directly next to the stadium or sports complex. 
Inflatable palace-shell
Beautiful inflatable palace shell, this information-educational project, developed jointly with the Netherlands a project to restore the ecosystem of the Black Sea. It is expected that this complex will travel to cities on the Black Sea coast to the children by going inside, can get acquainted with the environmental threats to the region, but not as a simple inhabitant, and from the standpoint of the inhabitants of the depths of the Black Sea.
Inflatable church
And who would have thought that not only are inflatable pavilions and tents, but the church! At first glance, this building is no different from those of children's inflatable trampoline that can be seen in city parks and fairs. But it is necessary only to go inside, all doubts disappear.
Inflatable tent
Inflatable church
Complete the building of a tent can not be named. Nevertheless, it is much easier to hold outdoor events if the space between heaven and earth is like this, though, inflatable, roof.
Inflatable yurt
And finally - a small, single, air yurt, which can be used for children to play and adults at the airports and waiting rooms. Much nicer to expect of his journey here in this makeshift house, not on a wooden bench under the scoreboard.